Information Technology
Computer Science
Cloud Computing
Mobile and Web Development
Continuing Education

Working with Data in Android

0 credit hours

Credits awarded upon completion


Progress at your own speed

27.43 hours

Estimated learning time

About the Course


Learn how to work with web technologies and persistent data on Android applications even after you close or restart an app. There is a focus on web communication and developer tools and you will discover how Kotlin applications communicate over the web. You’ll learn how data formats and web protocols work in relation to Kotlin apps. Furthermore, you will practice applying asynchronous programming techniques using Kotlin.

Learn the core functionality and uses of the SQLite database management system (DBMS). Learn about web clients and databases by adding connections from your app to other languages to access custom-built web application programming interfaces (APIs) and database management systems.

To complete this course, it is recommended that you have an advanced understanding of Kotlin programming, along with a functional knowledge of operating Android Studio to complete this course.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Identify some of the most useful tools and packages available to a Kotlin developer

• Apply Kotlin coroutines in Android applications

• Apply the general principles of using Room

• Integrate code from other languages into Kotlin

• Build a data driven Android app

This Course is part of a program

You can only buy it along with program.




Delivery method



  • 0 Credits

    Academic Excellence

    Earn necessary number of credit hours for completing this content

  • Hone Important Skills

    Total Upgrade

    Such as SQL, Android Development