Business Essentials
Personal Development
Continuing Education

Assets in Accounting

0 credit hours

Credits awarded upon completion


Progress at your own speed

18.72 hours

Estimated learning time

About the Course


In this second course, you will dive deeper into the world of bookkeeping and focus on accounting for assets. If you are familiar with bookkeeping basics, such as double entry accounting, you are ready for this course. You will gain an understanding of common asset types, learn how to account for inventory, calculate cost of goods sold, and work with Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E). Upon completing this course, you will use your new knowledge of assets to record transactions and produce financial statements for increasingly complex business situations.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
-Summarize the common types of assets a business may have
-Describe the importance of control over inventory
-Outline how depreciation expense is reported on an income statement
-Illustrate how transactions can be recorded in terms of the resulting change in the elements of the accounting equation.

Course 1 Bookkeeper Basics, or the equivalent, is a recommended prerequisite for this course.

This Course is part of a program

You can only buy it along with program.




Delivery method



  • 0 Credits

    Academic Excellence

    Earn necessary number of credit hours for completing this content

  • Hone Important Skills

    Total Upgrade

    Such as Accounting, General Accounting, Finance